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 Congratulations on registering for your APX Tier 1 Cert! You've taken the first step towards bettering your coaching/training career in the pursuit of achieveing optimal performance for your team(s), student(s), athlete(s) and/or client(s) you have the privilege to coach and train under the APX brand. This page serves as the 'Portal Home Page' of the 7 Chapters of information that you will be responsible for understanding upon the arrival of your Certification dates. The following Chapters of the APX TIER 1 CERTIFICATION are listed below, each one represents a hyperlink to that particular chapter's information, video and sample test questions.


  You are also invited to join the 'APX Coaches Forum' on Facebook. This is a 'Closed Group' and is exclusive for all that have registered for APX' Certifications. The 'forum' offers a community of sharing for Trainers & Coaches who are passionate about improving their training programming within the population(s) they work with; allowing all of our APX Certified Professionals to share and ask questions. We are always here to help and support you with whatever challenges you are facing regauding APX Science, Logistics, Equipment, ect.


Click on this Facebook Icon, search for the 'APX Coaches Forum' to request to join.







::: Click on any one of the Chapter hyperlinks to be routed to the appropriate section you wish to review and study :::

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As a reminder, you will be working out and training every afternoon during your 2-day certification. APX does not provide hotel and travel costs. We emphasize that the 'APX Certification Program' should be viewed as a 'Continuing Education' piece, and to hone in on your Facility, Gym, Program, High School, College, Club or Team to help provide funding for your continued professional growth. We look forward to meeting you in-person. Please assure yourself that you've selected the Certification dates that work best with your schedule.


Please take your time and thoroughly review each chapter, the information is based off of the most updated research of sports performance and exercise science principles in today's professional, collegiate and olympic training industries.


If you have any questions about the information, contact APX' Performance Director Drew Buchkoski via email:

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