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Chapter 2:
Proper instruction of the APX Dynamic Proprioceptive Neuromuscular, Ground-Base Spinal & Upper Extremities Warm-Up

Chapter 2 (1.2) consists of understanding the coaching points and anatomical emphasis of the Neuromuscular Proprioceptive Dynamic, Ground-Base Spinal Dynamic & Upper Extremities warm up progressions. It is of critical mass that all of these movements be coached 100% correct upon implementation of the APX system. There are no short cuts to stimulating the body's circulatory, muscular and neuromuscular systems to prep for training and/or sport and/or functional activity.


This is the most efficient installation to prepare the body for any activity. If you can't illustrate the proper technique to warm up your training population, then what good is the rest of the training session? If the body's kinetic chain remains closed (at some level) as a result of you not coaching and keeping this as a high priority, then you've failed! Avoid the monotony and motivate your training client/population right away when they enter the training room. Take notes and committ these instructional points to memory when you report for your certification. Choose being 'optimal' over being 'great' when it comes to these protocols.

Dynamic Neuromuscular Proprioceptive Series

Warm Up Component #1

(Slow Tempo & Balance Series)

Striders – 1. Identify ball-of-foot 2. Identify Positive Tilt 3. Circulatory Activation

Shuttles – 1. Medial-Glute + IT Band Activate 2. Adductor & Groin Activate 3. Rear deltoid touches (alter)

Groin Sumo/Pelvic Thrust – 1. Hip Flexor Activate 2. Groin/Adductor Activate

Lunge/Rev. Lunge – 1. Proprioceptive Neural Drive Activation 2. Lo-Trunk Stability 3. Stabilizers

Inchworm – 1. Posterior Lower Activation 2. Anterior Torso Activation 3. Core Activate

Spiderman – 1. Anterior Lower Activation 2. Anterior Torso Activation 3. Total Neural Drive

Iso-Pendelum – 1. Proprioceptive Neural Drive Activation 2. Posterior Chain + Lo-Trunk Stability

Forward/Rev Gravedigger – 1. Activate all 3 major hamstrings into the Gastrocnemius + Achilles


(Fast Tempo & Balance Series)

Russian March – 1. Ballistic Hamstring Activation 2. Forward tilt 3. Ball-of-foot + Tilt

Leg Swings – 1. Hip Ball & Socket Joint 2. Hip External Rotator Fixators + IT Band 3. Ball-of-foot + Torso Drive

Carioca – 1. Hips, Groin & Abdomen 2. Abductors & Adductors

Duck Skips – 1. Hips, Groin & Abdomen 2. Hip Ball & Socket 3. Hip External Rotators


(Ballistic Tempo & Traction Series)

High-Knee/Lo-Knee Skip – 1. Ballistic Hip Flexor Activation 2. Coordination 3. Traction Equality 4. Tilt

Shuffle Burst – 1. Type IIA + Type IIB Activation

5y 2ft Punch + Burst – 1. Type IIA + Type IIB Activation

Ground-Base Spinal Dynamic Series

Warm Up Component #2

Egg Shells – 1. Chin tuck to activate entire spinal column, head to sciatica

Rollovers – 1. Head over heels 2. Touch toes with legs spread 3. Achilles to Head Activation

Fire Hydrants – 1. Hip Ball & Socket at Prone Position 2. Keep head in place for correct activation

Scorpions – 1. Lo-Trunk Spinal Rotation 2. Lumbar stretch 3. Maintain ground contact with chest

Buddha-to-Swan – 1. Spinal supination to pronation 2. Stretch and expand discs

Left-over-Rights/Right-over-Lefts – 1. Transverse spine activation 2. Lo-Trunk Coordination

Piriformis – 1. Activate piriformis stretch 2. Sprinter piriformis stretch 3. Knee placement + Torso posture

Z Traction – 1.  Illiotibial (IT) Band Activate & Stretch 2. Knee Ligament Activate & Stretch

Iso-Hip Extension – 1. Lo-Trunk Neural Drive 2. Glute-to-Hamstring Connectors

Around-the-World – 1. Total Kinetic Neural Rotations 2. Transverse Posterior + Anterior Chain 3. Torso leads

Upper Extremeties & Neck Series

Warm Up Component #3

Arm Circles (Fwd/Rev) – 1. Thumbs lead 2. Full ROM (Range of Motion) 3. Circulatory

Iso-Arm Circles (Fwd/Rev) – 1. Exaggerate swimming motion, full ROM 2. Head stays still 3. Circulatory

Bi-Lateral Arm Swings (Bent-Over & Standing) – 1.  Hinge hips 2. Full ROM

90 Degree Vibes – 1. Rotator Cuff & AC Joint Isolation 2. Isokinetic Movement

Forearm Flexion Rotation – 1. Thumbs lead 2. External & Internal Rotation 3. Full ROM

Iso-Lateral Row-to-Push – 1.  Total Neural Posterior + Anterior Torso Activation 2. Full ROM

Neck Front, Back, Sides – 1. Chin leads 2. Slow tempo 3. Full ROM

Neck 360s – 1. Chin leads 2. Medium tempo 2 Full ROM

Supine Neck – 1. Neural drive from head-to-tow via the neck 2. Lo Trunk Bridge  

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