First Phase
of this system involves the creation of building a relationship with the fire department; represented by the fire chief and other administrative personnel with the department. Additional expertise often provided by the department physician, physiologist, and/ or fitness coordinator is also recommended as well as a commitment to assuring full union/management cooperation has been received from each department that committed to implementing the Wellness program.
Second Phase
entails the development of thorough, holistic wellness program that fits best into a data collection system. A 'culture' shift must occur that evokes an atmosphere in which all Fire fighters can participate and feel a sense of progress and success immediately. Participation is paramount with the focus on recruiting as many numbers as possible within the department for each A, B or C shifts. After this 3-6-month phase, data collection and analysis can then occur to aide in keeping Fire fighters fit for PT tests, Academy Preparation, et. BGFD can create a valid baseline data suitable for fire service wide comparisons.
Third Phase
is the creation of a comprehensive training and nutrition system for distribution to every member within the fire service. BGFD's metrics can be utilized to establish norms and trends as to job-related injuries that can be reduced by the inclusion of a Wellness Program.