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The Goal of the
"Single-Day Camp/Clinic"

 is to build the value of what APX can provide and act as a resounding provider of exercise science and dietetic information for all of your athletic programs' athletes, coaches and parents. APX is not designed to take over your Strength & Conditioning Program. However, to illustrate more efficient and effective training paradigms within your Physical Education and Athletic Programming that exist.

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APX High School Camps/Clinics

are renowned for establishing and enhancing a 365 day-per-year, Sunday-to-Sunday, athlete lifestyle that affects the individual athletes, coaches and programs. It is designed to implement current, ever-changing and evolving performance enhancement sport-specific training science, as well as injury prevention dietetic protocols for both Male and Female athletes within their respective sports programs. The goal of a Single-Day Camp/Clinic is to build the value of what APX can provide and act as a resounding provider of exercise science and dietetic information for all of your athletic programs' athletes, coaches and parents. APX is not designed to take over your Strength & Conditioning Program. However, to illustrate more efficient and effective training paradigms within your Physical Education and Athletic Programming that exist. Collegiate Advisors & Pro/College Athletes will be on hand to enhance the motivational components of the Clinic.

  • APX represents affiliations of numerous High Schools & Clubs in various boy/girl sports and physical education programs. Football, Baseball, Hockey, Basketball, Soccer, LaCrosse, Wrestling, Softball, Track, XC & Volleyball. 

  • Professional & Collegiate athlete training, recovery and regeneration programming and periodization are key services provided by APX to agents and agencies who are looking for 'Optimal' performance results.

  • Nutrition services for all Athlete & Non-Athlete populations, including 'Wellness Programming' for business' school districts & corporations.


  • Provides APX Educational Tier 1 Certifications for its methods and programming to teachers, coaches and trainers.

Duration & Generic Outline

Typical Clinic Outlines are designed specific to your schools' population and facility availability.

8:00-8:45 ---> Coach’s Clinic

8:45-9:00 ---> Athlete Registrations

9:00-9:15 ---> Introductions

9:15-9:45 ---> Dynamic Stretch & Ground-Base Neuromuscular Spinal Instructs(All)

9:45-11:00 ---> Lower/Power Functional Emphasis (Position Specific – Male Athlete)

9:45-11:00 ---> Female Athlete Nutrition Workshop

11:00-11:30 ---> Lunch-Break (All) 

11:30-12:45 ---> Lower/Power Functional Emphasis (Position Specific - Female Athletes)

11:30-12:45 ---> Male Athlete Nutrition Workshop

12:45-1:00 ---> Break & Transition

1:00-2:00 ---> Torso/Core Functional Emphasis (Position Specific – All Athletes)

2:00-230 ---> (Scapular & Knee Traction Proprioceptive Sprint Dynamics)

2:30 ---> Break Camp; Question & Answer & Staff Closeouts



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APX Past & Present

Listed below details a chronological history of the high schools, clubs and sports programs that have recognized and implemented APX’ Training methodologies for their boys & girls athletic programs, as well as within their respective physical education programming. 

Timberline High School Football                                  ’17 & '18 Final 4; Football State Playoffs

Wenatchee High School Football                                '19 Columbia Basin Champs & State Playoffs

Olympia High School                                                              2022 All Sports Boys & Girls

Eastlake High School                                                              2017 All Sports Boys & Girls

Pullman High School Athletics                                         All Sports Boys & Girls

Milton-Freewater High School                                         All Sports Boys & Girls

Fusion Volleyball Club                                                             All Teams

West Valley High School Athletics                               ’09 Football State Championship (2nd)

WF West High School Athletics                                       All Sports Boys & Girls

DeSales Catholic High School Athletics                     All Sports Boys & Girls

College Place High School Athletics                             All Boys Sports

Hanford High School Athletics                                          All Sports Boys & Girls

Adna High School Athletics                                                 All Sports Boys & Girls

River Ridge High School Athletics                                  Football

Centrailia High School Athletics                                      All Sports Boys & Girls

Skyview  High School Athletics                                       ’11 Football State Championship (2nd)

Skyview  High School Athletics                                       ’12 Baseball State Champions

Skyview  High School Athletics                                       ’13 Girls Basketball League Champions

Prarie High School Athletics                                              ‘11 Football (1st Playoff Appearance in 14 years)

Chisago Lakes High School Athletics                         ’12/’13/’14 Minnesota State Football Playoffs

University High School Athletics                                     ‘12 Football State Semi Finalist

Chiawana High School Athletics                                      ’13 Football State Champions 

Chiawana High School Athletics                                      '14 Football State Championships (Runner Up)

Freeman High School Athletics                                       ‘13 Football State Champions (14-0)

Freeman High School Athletics                                       '14-'15 Wrestling State Champions

Woodland High School Athletics                                     All Sports Boys & Girls

Ephrata High School Athletics                                            All Sports Boys & Girls

Hockinson High School Athletics                                  ‘14 Football State Quarter Finalist / '17 State      

Moses Lake High School Athletics                                 All Sports Boys & Girls

Reardan High School Athletics                                          All Sports Boys & Girls

La Center High School Athletics                                      All Sports Boys & Girls

Ferris High School Athletics                                                 All Sports Boys & Girls                                           

Ferris High School Football                                                   ‘07 & ‘08 Football State Semi Finalist

Ferris High School Basketball                                              ’07 & ’08 Boys Basketball State Champions

Ferris High School Football                                                    ’09 Football State Championship (2nd)

Ferris High School Football                                                     ’10 Football State Champion (14-0)

Ferris High School Football                                                       '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '13 GSL Football Champs

East Valley High School Athletics                                        All Sports Boys & Girls

Royal High School Athletics                                                    '15 & '16 & '17 Football State Champions

Clark County Youth Football (CCYF)                                   All Teams

Newport High School Athletics                                              All Sports Boys & Girls

Club Spokane Dodgers Baseball                                          All Boys Teams

Vancouver Cardinals Baseball                                                All Boys Teams

FC Spokane Club Soccer                                                           All Teams Boys & Girls

Hudson’s Bay Athletics                                                                All Sports Boys & Girls

Club Catalyst Volleyball                                                              All Girls Teams (12s-19s)

Summit High School Athletics                                              2015 Football State Champions

All-Star Basketball Academy                                                  All Teams Boys & Girls

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